
TrinityPrep believes one of  the most important indicators of learning success is to have a student be in class on time and ready to learn everyday. We are committed to work with the students and parents to assure their success. 

School Tardies 

If a student is tardy, they should report to the front office to receive a note, identifying the time the student arrived and if the tardy is excused (i.e. a parent has called or documentation has been provided excusing the student). Examples of tardies that may be excused: doctor appointments, inclement weather, car trouble, illness, etc.  *Excessive tardiness may result in consequences on a case-by-case basis.

School Absences & Recovery Program (Plan)

For an absence to be excused, a parent/guardian must notify the front desk. Excused absences include illness of the student, medical appointments and death in the family. Any other reasons will need to be reviewed with the parent and the school administrator. 

Students accumulating more than (10) absences per semester (both excused and unexcused), during the school year will require an individualized Recovery Program to be completed by the end of the semester in which the absences occurred. 

A Recovery Program is put in place by the teacher(s) and an administrator and will include makeup work during the study period or after school hours (during Academic Support times) to complete the expected coursework.